BIPED Application Portal

Currently open positions

Teamleiter/in AV-Medien- und Eventbetreuung am Biozentrum (80-100%)

per 01. November 2024 oder nach Vereinbarung

Das Biozentrum der Universität Basel ist eines der weltweit führenden Institute für Lehre und Forschung für Life Sciences. Seine 32 Gruppen und 500 Mitarbeitenden erforschen, wie Moleküle und Zellen Leben erschaffen. Das 1971 gegründete Biozentrum ist Geburtsstätte zahlreicher grundlegender Entdeckungen in Biologie und Medizin und hat mehrere Nobelpreisträger hervorgebracht.

Haben Sie Lust Teil unserer Community zu werden und auf einen spannenden, vielseitigen und verantwortungsvollen Job? Haben Sie ein Flair für Technik und einen Fokus auf Dienstleistung? Infolge einer anstehenden Pensionierung suchen wir Verstärkung für unser Team mit später leitender Funktion.

Ihre Aufgaben

  • Betreuung der Audio- & Videotechnik bei Vorlesungen und Events
  • Raumdispositionen und Organisation von Events
  • Ansprechperson für die Event-Veranstalter in organisatorischen und technischen Fragen
  • Technischer Unterhalt der Lehrräume
  • Beratung bezüglich der technischen Möglichkeiten in den verschiedenen Räumlichkeiten
  • Führen eines Teams von 2-3 Mitarbeitenden

Ihr Profil

  • Sie haben eine abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung, idealerweise als Multimediaelektroniker/in oder Veranstaltungsfachmann/frau
  • Sie sind eine organisationsstarke, kunden- und dienstleistungsorientierte Persönlichkeit
  • Sie arbeiten selbständig und lösungsorientiert und haben Freude am Umgang mit internationalen Kunden
  • Sie verfügen über sehr gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, schriftlich und mündlich, in Deutsch und vorzugsweise in Englisch
  • Kenntnisse über Zoom und Panopto für Windows und Mac, sowie Erfahrung als Veranstaltungstechniker/in wünschenswert

Wir bieten

  • Eine vielseitige, anspruchs- und verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit in einem dynamischen und internationalen universitären Umfeld
  • Ein topmodernes, neues Gebäude mit state-of-the-art Infrastruktur und modernen Arbeitsplätzen
  • Flache Hierarchien und kurze Informationswege
Sie erwartet ein sympathisches und dynamisches Team sowie zeitgemässe Anstellungsbedingungen und Sozialleistungen im Rahmen der universitären Regelungen.

Bewerbung / Kontakt

Bitte bewerben Sie sich online mit einem Lebenslauf, einem Motivationsschreiben, Arbeitszeugnissen sowie dem Namen/der Adresse von zwei Referenzen.
Die Bewerbungen werden fortlaufend geprüft, bis die Stelle besetzt ist. Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur Online-Bewerbungen akzeptiert werden.

Weitere Auskunft erteilt Ihnen gerne Herr Daniel Oeschger, Tel. 061 207 15 90, E-Mail:
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PhD student in Structural Biology by NMR (100%)

Start date is by mutual arrangement, with the possibility to start immediately

How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the world’s leading life sciences institutes. With 32 groups and 500 employees, we are a dynamic and international research community that has spawned many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine as well as several Nobel Laureates. Become part of our community!

A PhD student position funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is available in the newly founded group of project leader Dr. Fengjie Wu, who is a recent Ambizione awardee hosted by Prof. Sebastian Hiller.

Your position

The project studies the fundamental mechanism of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) signaling by applying and developing unique cutting-edge NMR technology. Further biophysical methods (cryo-EM, ITC) are integrated in the workflow. A key part of this project will be the development of novel paramagnetic NMR methods and effective isotope labeling methods.

The research will dive into the atomic level to investigate the conformational dynamics of GPCRs. Such in-depth information will explain the functions of natural ligands or synthetic drugs in GPCR signaling and pharmacology. Based on the functional understanding, opportunities for new drug design will emerge.

Your profile

  • Master degree in biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics or a related scientific discipline at the time of the PhD start
  • Experience in one or several of the following areas: biomolecular NMR, GPCR, membrane protein biochemistry/biophysics, molecular biology, structural biology
  • Good communication skills in English
  • High motivation for challenges at the forefront of international research

We offer

  • The Biozentrum of University Basel houses a large array of high-resolution NMR spectrometers (600, 700, 800, 900 MHz), a biophysics technology platform and a protein expression lab.
  • The Wu group is part of the research cluster “Structural Biology and Biophysics” at the Biozentrum, which offers a stimulating interdisciplinary environment and in-house availability of all methods of modern structural biology.
  • The student will benefit also from the embedding in the Hiller group, a dynamic and collaborative group of scientists with broad expertise.
  • The PhD training will include structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry as well as formal education within the Biozentrum’s graduate teaching program.
  • Basel is an international city with people from 150 nations. Located where three countries meet – Switzerland, Germany and France – it is Europe’s most important life sciences hub. Basel provides a high standard of living and a rich cultural atmosphere.

Application / Contact

Applications should include a cover letter, CV, BSc/MSc degree confirmation with detailed grades, and contact information of two reference persons.

Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled. Please note that only online applications via the application portal will be accepted.

Informal queries about the lab and research projects should be directed by email to
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Administrative Assistentin / Administrativer Assistent (60%)

Ab sofort oder nach Vereinbarung

Wie entsteht Leben aus Molekülen und Zellen? Diese zentrale Frage treibt uns an. Mit Neugier und Leidenschaft erforschen wir das ganze Spektrum – vom Atom bis zum Organismus. Das Biozentrum der Universität Basel ist eines der weltweit führenden Institute für Life Sciences. Mit 32 Gruppen und rund 500 Mitarbeitenden sind wir eine dynamische und internationale Forschungscommunity, die zahlreiche grundlegende Entdeckungen in Biologie und Medizin sowie mehrere Nobelpreisträger hervorgebracht hat. Werde Teil unserer Community!

Wir suchen eine administrative Assistentin / einen administrativen Assistenten für zwei Forschungsgruppen mit einem Beschäftigungsgrad von 60%.

Ihre Aufgaben

  • Unterstützung der Forschungsgruppenleiter und Gruppenmitglieder in allen administrativen und organisatorischen Belangen
  • Unterstützung bei der Personal- und Finanzadministration
  • Unterstützung bei Gesuchen (Einreichung, Reporting), Administration und Koordination verschiedener interner und externer Forschungsdatenbanken
  • Mitarbeit in der Organisation der Laborinfrastruktur
  • Zusammenarbeit mit anderen universitären Stellen und Gremien
  • Verwalten von Lehrveranstaltungen und Lehrmaterialien mittels Online-System und direkte Kommunikation mit den Studierenden
  • Organisation von Meetings und Konferenzen; sowie Spesenabrechnungen

Ihr Profil

  • Eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung mit mehrjähriger Praxis, bevorzugt im universitären Umfeld oder Hochschulabschluss in den Naturwissenschaften und Erfahrung in Administration
  • Ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • Eigenverantwortliche und proaktive Arbeitsweise
  • Hohe Kompetenz im Einsatz von modernen Kommunikationsmitteln
  • Sicherer Umgang mit Office Software

Wir wünschen uns eine Persönlichkeit, die Freude daran hat, als Mitglied eines wissenschaftlichen Teams moderne Forschung möglich zu machen. Sie arbeiten zielgerichtet, vorausschauend und umsichtig? Sie reagieren souverän und flexibel auf die vielfältigen Anforderungen im universitären Forschungsumfeld? Sie haben Freude am Umgang mit Menschen aus aller Welt? Dann sind Sie die Person, die wir suchen.

Wir bieten

Wir bieten Ihnen eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit als aktives Mitglied unserer Forschungsgruppen, sowie zeitgemässe Anstellungsbedingungen und Sozialleistungen im Rahmen der universitären Besoldungsordnung. Diese Stelle ist auf zwei Jahre befristet, mit Option auf Festanstellung nach positiver Evaluation.

Bewerbung / Kontakt

Bitte bewerben Sie sich online mit einem Lebenslauf, einem Motivationsschreiben, Arbeitszeugnissen sowie dem Namen/der Adresse von zwei Referenzen.
Die Bewerbungen werden fortlaufend geprüft, bis die Stelle besetzt ist. Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur Online-Bewerbungen akzeptiert werden.

Weitere Auskunft erteilt Ihnen gerne Frau Manuela Holzer, HR Biozentrum, Tel. 061 207 20 22, E-Mail:
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Research Associate (100%)

Starting from 1 November 2024 or as per agreement

How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the world’s leading life sciences institutes. With 32 groups, high-end core facilities and 500 employees, we are a dynamic and international research community that has spawned many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine as well as several Nobel Laureates. Become part of our community!

The van Nimwegen group at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel is looking for a permanent Research Associate with a focus on quantitative experimental biology to both pursue their own research interests and contribute to research projects in our lab.

Research in the wet lab of the van Nimwegen group revolves around single-cell gene regulation in bacteria, the functioning of gene regulatory networks on a genome-wide scale, and the evolution of gene regulation. Our lab has developed cutting-edge methods that combine microfluidics with time-lapse microscopy and automated image analysis to quantitatively track single-cell gene expression in controlled dynamic environments. In addition, we use approaches such as flow cytometry and in-lab evolution. A unique feature of our lab is its strong interaction between experimentalists and theoreticians in the lab, with many group members having backgrounds in theoretical physics or related quantitative fields. Experimental approaches pursued in the lab are often motivated by theoretical questions, involve sophisticated quantitative techniques, and are integrated with cutting-edge theoretical modeling of the data. An ideal candidate should feel at home and motivated within this lab culture.

Your responsibilities

You are expected to contribute to the research in the lab by pursuing your own research project (80%; under the supervision of senior researchers of the group in case of junior applicants). In addition, you are expected to spend some of your time (20%) with logistical responsibilities such as ordering and lab equipment maintenance. After settling in, you will have the opportunity to supervise junior researchers in the lab and are also expected to assist students and postdocs in designing experiments and instructing them in the core technologies used in the lab.

Your profile

You have a Master/PhD degree in Biology or a related topic. The following skills are highly desired and you are expected to possess at least several of these:

  • Microbiology including lab automation tools (plate reader, plate handling robot, etc.)
  • Molecular biology, Bacterial genetics (in particular chromosomal integration)
  • Cloning design (e.g. restriction / ligation, Gibson, Golden Gate, site-directed mutagenesis)
  • Quantitative fluorescence microscopy
  • Microfluidics
  • Computational analysis of experimental data using command line tools (growth curves, titration assays, etc.)

Optional skills in Flow cytometry and Biochemistry (eg. protein extraction, protein gel, protein purification) would be appreciated. Experience with samples and stocks management, and/or lab data management is also a plus.

You should be proficient in spoken and written English. Most importantly, we seek somebody that resonates with the scientific questions and approaches taken in the lab and it is highly desired that you take initiative to actively engage with and contribute to the science pursued in the lab. Finally, you should be able to work efficiently both in collaboration with other lab members as well as on your own experimental projects.

We offer

This position offers an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated individual to both pursue their own research and contribute to cutting-edge quantitative biology research within a well-funded environment which offers close collaboration with theorists.

The initial contract will be for one year (renewable) with the possibility of making it a permanent position.

For more information on the van Nimwegen Lab see and our list of publications at

Application / Contact

The application should include a brief personal statement, explaining how your qualifications and experience make you a good fit for this position, together with a full, up-to-date CV and contact details of at least 2 references.

Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. Please note that only online applications via the application portal will be accepted. For general inquiries please send an email to:

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Postdoc position: quantitative biology of non-growing bacteria

What do bacterial cells do when they are not growing? Although bacteria in the wild likely spend the majority of their time in non-growing states, surprisingly little is known about cell physiology and gene expression in such states, especially at the single-cell level. However, recently developed experimental approaches that combine microfluidics with fluorescent time-lapse microscopy and automated image analysis are now making it possible to study with high quantitative accuracy the behavior of single cells in non-growing states, such as stationary phase.

Are you fascinated by this topic? Then consider applying to the open postdoctoral position in our group at the Biozentrum (Basel, Switzerland). This research project is spearheaded by Dr. Thomas Julou, in the group of Prof. Erik van Nimwegen.

In our lab, we have developed novel approaches to quantitatively track growth and gene expression dynamics across many independent lineages of single bacterial cells while they are being exposed to controlled environmental changes [1, 2]. We are using these methods to study questions about both physiological and evolutionary aspects of stationary phase, including: What is the extent and dynamics of single-cell heterogeneity during stationary phase, and how does this heterogeneity affect survival, stress-resistance, and the ability of cells to regrow when exposed to new nutrients? How do the physiological states of the cells depend on their previous growth state or on the type of nutrient that is depleted? Are there evolutionary trade-off(s) between optimization of growth, survival during starvation, and efficient regrowth upon encountering new nutrients?

Your responsibilities

You will combine experimental techniques from molecular biology, genetics, light microscopy, microfluidics, with cutting-edge data analysis and modelling techniques. Notably, depending on your expertise, the analysis and modeling may be done in collaboration with theoretical researchers in the lab. The project will be tailored to the interests and skills of the successful candidate, and will take several recent results obtained in our group as a starting point [3].

Your profile

Applicants should have completed a PhD in a relevant field such as biophysics, quantitative biology, microbiology, or evolution. Previous experience with microscopy and microfluidics is of value. The candidate should have at least some experience with programming for data analysis, and/or with mathematical modelling.

We offer

The position is initially for two years, but may be extended upon mutual agreement. The position is available immediately and priority will be given to candidates that can start relatively soon.

Application / Contact

The application should include a brief personal statement, explaining how your qualifications and experience make you a good fit for this position, together with a full, up-to-date CV and contact details of at least 2 references. Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. Note that only online applications via this portal will be accepted.

For general inquiries please send an email to:

The van Nimwegen Lab [4] at Basel University’s Biozentrum is a highly international and multidisciplinary team with extensive expertise in the field of transcription regulation, single-cell dynamics, genome evolution, and probabilistic data analysis techniques. A special feature of our group is that it includes both experimental and theoretical researchers which work together to combine cutting edge statistical and computational tools with quantitative experiments. A list of our group's publications can be found on Google Scholar [5].

[1] 1. M. Kaiser, et al., Nat Commun. 9, 212 (2018). [2] T. Julou, et al., PLoS Biol. 18, e3000952 (2020). [3] T. Gervais, et al. bioRxiv (2024). [4] [5]

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Assistant/Associate Professor in Structural Biology, Biological Imaging or Biophysics

The Biozentrum of the University of Basel in Switzerland invites applications for a tenure track assistant professorship or a tenured associate professorship in Structural Biology, Biological Imaging or Biophysics. We encourage applications from candidates who explore fundamental questions in biology ranging from atomic to cellular resolution.

Your position

The successful candidate will have an outstanding research record and strong communication skills, will complement and enhance the research portfolio of the Biozentrum as well as the broader Basel Life Sciences Community, and will contribute to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level.

We offer

We offer a very generous research endowment and state-of-the art core facilities. The Biozentrum consists of 30 research groups and 250 postdoctoral fellows and graduate students from more than 50 countries researching in fields ranging from structural, computational, cellular and developmental biology to microbiology and neuroscience. The working language in the Biozentrum is English. Basel is the home of a vibrant international life sciences community and provides a high standard of living and a superb cultural and cosmopolitan atmosphere.


Applications (including a short motivation letter, CV, a list of publications, and a two-page summary of your current and future research) should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Marcel Mayor, Dean of the Faculty of Science and submitted online as one single PDF. During online submission applicants are asked to request three referees to submit confidential letters of reference.

Requests for further information may be addressed to Prof. Dr. Alex Schier ( If your question is about the online application process, please contact the Office of the Dean (

The deadline for receipt of applications is September 30, 2024. The University of Basel is an equal opportunity and family-friendly employer committed to excellence through diversity.

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International PhD Program "Biozentrum PhD Fellowships" Winter Call 2024_25

Excellent students from all over the world are encouraged to apply for the prestigious "Biozentrum PhD Fellowships" program. The aim of the fellowships which are sponsored by the Werner Siemens-Foundation and the University of Basel is to select and promote highly talented graduate students in the area of Life Sciences. The fellowships offer direct access to the PhD program of the Biozentrum, University of Basel, additional financial support, a rotation-based selection of the research group, and support for the attendance of scientific meetings and courses during the PhD.
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